For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. ~ Philippians 2:13

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Update on Weekly Challenges

The first week went really well (you can find the post here). All my clothes now not only fit me but fit in my closet and dresser. Putting clothes away is so easy now! Before, I dreaded trying to squeeze everything in and hated putting away my own clothes (how sad is that???). Now I don't mind it at all. Such a refreshing change!

I was going to do the same for the littles (especially A, her dresser is crammed with more clothes than the child could possibly wear) last week but we had a little problem. Ok, not little. Huge. There was a blockage in the sewer on our street and the sewer backed up into our basement. It was a disgusting mess! I went down to do a load of laundry Monday morning only to find about 3 inches of standing yuckage (probably not a real word but it fits the situation perfectly so I am going with it. Besides, if Shakespeare can make up his own words, then I can too) covering the entire basement. The unfinished basement, not the finished one. I make this distinction because we have two basements. Odd, yes, but for some reason someone thought this would be a good idea. I now know why.

The good great news is that our insurance agent took care of everything. EVERYTHING. He called the clean up crew and filed the claim with the insurance company and with the city. We are hoping that the city will pay for the clean up since it was not on our property nor was it our fault.

The greatest news is we didn't lose a thing. Well, we lost some plastic bags and the gift bags. Nothing of value and nothing that couldn't easily be replaced. We have been through two floods now in less than 5 years and the only thing of value that we lost was Hubby's truck and that was on its last leg, barely hanging onto life. The insurance company covered it completely and we probably got more than we would have if we had tried to trade it in so that was actually a good thing in the end. God is so good!!

But I digress...

I didn't do a weekly challenge this week. I did finish getting the boys' clothes pared down and they are now each in half a dresser. Miss A will share with W and newbie will share one with B. Next week my challenge will be to get A's clothes under control...gulp. I have been saving her wardrobe for last because out of all of them, hers will be the hardest. I love all her cutsie clothes! Even the ones she has never worn or has only worn once. Yet, it must be done. Next week.