Thursday, December 1, 2016

What we are reading in December 2016

My book: A Treasure Concealed by Tracie Peterson. 

I am not much of a Christian fiction fan. For the most part I avoid it because the story lines are usually very similar, the literary content is somewhat lacking, and it makes for a very quick read. I prefer books with more depth, intricate language full of rich vocabulary, and a lot of character development. Books that one can curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and savor each and every beautifully written page. Books like War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, which is one of my all time favorites and one that I have read five times.  This particular genre does not generally have these qualities. 


I am a very busy mom and some days I do not have the time to sit and savor. Some days I just want a quick and easy read. Something with a wholesome story line without anything too sultry or risque, and without bad language. In those moments I reach for books like this one. Thus far this one has not disappointed me. The story is engaging, the characters are likeable and human, and thus far it is a solid, wholesome read. The story is not original by any means and it does lack some character development as the storyline moves very quickly but over all it is an enjoyable book. I will probably read all three in this series. A solid 3.5 stars from me. 

You can find this book to read for yourself HERE.

My read aloud to Master W, 8: Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. 

If you have not read this series, you need to! I read it as a child and so did my husband. In fact he read it so many times that he had many books almost memorized and can still quote parts to this day. He still listens to the audio books of these on his commute and is currently listening to her biography. I would say he is a fan, lol. 

This is the second book in the series and is about Laura and her family along with their dog Jack as they move from their cabin in Wisconsin to 'Indian Country' and a cabin that Pa builds for them on the prairie. Master W is not a fan of fiction usually but even he loves these books. I highly recommend not only reading them but owning them is a must for every homeschooling family. It is a more expensive investment but worth every penny! Notice that our copy has been read so often that the cover fell off. It is a well worn, well loved book.

You can buy it HERE

My read aloud to Master B, 6, and Miss A, 5: Escape to Murray River by Robert Elmer.

This is a great read aloud for younger kids. The language is more simplistic and the chapters are shorter. That is especially nice when you have wiggly kiddos! Both my children have short attention spans so reading to them can prove challenging. There are some sad parts to the story. It is about a father who is falsely accused and sent to Australia to a prison camp. His wife and three children follow him to Australia so they can be closer to him. We are at the point in the book where they are on a ship heading to Australia. The kids are excited to see what happens next!

To find the ebook, go HERE.

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