For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. ~ Philippians 2:13

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Baby J is here! A picture review of his first week

The latest Turnage model, J, was born June 8th @ 5:52PM. He weighed 9lbs 11oz and was 22in long. Not my biggest baby but he was close! It was my longest, hardest labor and delivery, both mentally and physically. The transition so far has been fairly smooth: My wonderful MIL and SIL stayed with us for the past week made the transition so much easier! I am so thankful to have amazing in-laws who are willing to jump right in and help out! They left Saturday morning and I am going to miss them dearly tomorrow when I have to go solo for the first time since Baby J was born. It will surely be interesting!

Baby J is a wonderful little man. He is doing so well! He eats and sleeps very well, is a peeing and pooping machine, and is gaining weight well. On Thursday he was up to 9lbs 14oz already! His jaundice levels were higher than the doctor liked so poor baby had to have several blood tests done but things are looking great now. He had three appointments this past week and one follow up appointment next week. I am hoping things will settle down into a nice routine now.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this past week:

In labor! Last belly pic of this pregnancy, 40 weeks 2 days. J is my earliest baby.

One of my favorite pictures of J. He is about 12/13 hours old here. All the pictures from his first day didn't turn out well since the lighting was dim and we didn't want to use the flash. That and he cried the first three hours of his life.

The adoring big sister. She loves him so much! All of his siblings adore him. They love holding him, helping change and diaper him, getting his pacifier, giving tons of kisses, and just being near him.

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Very proud big brother!

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B is probably the most helpful with his brother. All the children are great with him but B is such a helper and enjoys doing everything he can to care for his little brother. He is the one I worried about the most since at first he didn't want another baby. He got over that quickly!!

I admit it, I make cute babies.

Daddy helping W read a book to his siblings. He is an amazing father!

The cute factor here is almost too much to take. Miss A gave him a hat and he wears it well, if I do say so myself. Coolest baby in town!

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B fell asleep watching a movie. Having a new sibling is tiring work.

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He begged and begged to help feed his baby brother and was so excited when I finally let him!