For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. ~ Philippians 2:13

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Meal Planning Conundrum, or How Do I Plan Meals Around A Birth?!?!

I have a conundrum. I am sitting here trying to plan out meals for the next, um, __ number of weeks. The number is the problem. Usually I plan on doing the shopping every 2-4 weeks, depending on what is happening in our lives and how much extra freezer space we have (on a side note, I think we may have just about outgrown our chest freezer and will soon need two. But that is just a side note and has nothing to do with this post). Two weeks would land me on my due date, three would be right at 41 weeks. So, do I plan for 1, 2 or 3 weeks? We don't have the freezer space for 4 weeks so that is out. My freezer is packed full with freezer meals and breast milk (the meals are for us big people after baby comes, the breast milk is donor milk for baby). So the question becomes, do I want to do it week by week and drag my very pregnant self out with three little kids every single week, or do I plan for two to three weeks and hope baby stays put until I can get out again? Grrrr....nothing sounds appealing at this point. Hubby usually shops with us if we do multiple weeks but he has been working a lot lately so that isn't a good option right now.

My other problem is finding meals that do not require, A. much effort, B. the oven, and C. are actually healthy. Oh yes, and D. meals that the family will enjoy. I have been feeling very...lazy, unmotivated, sluggish? And have no desire to put a huge amount of effort into cooking lately. This has resulted in meals that are not necessarily the healthiest. Translation, mama has been serving hotdogs and chips (with a veggie, of course) instead of making a meal. While the children (and my husband) have been quite delighted with this fare, I am not. Winter is so much easier because I can make a nice soup and call it a day but soup is a little warm for these hot Summer months. 


I thought I would toss this in as well, for my baby obsessed friends - you know who you are :)

Baby is doing great. Moving around like a crazy little man and poking my ribs and happily squishing my bladder. I can tell he is getting big! Not complaining, but everything is giving me heartburn now. Even ice cream. No joke. I am now 37 weeks, 5 days pregnant and am getting lots of regular contractions. Before you get excited, I had regular contractions for 6 weeks with Miss A so that is not an indication of anything other than pregnancy for me. Delivery could easily be a month away yet, if my past history is any indication. While I am kind of hoping for June 5th (selfish reasons - 5 is my favorite number), I am expecting him to come between the 10th and the 20th of June.


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